Tuesday, May 31, 2022

SAFE Hearts

Speaking in regards to books to help parents talk to their children about sensitive topics, this list touches on all of them. SAFE stands for Sharing Awareness for Family Empowerment. We call them "kid-versations" and they are essential to keeping our children safe. For the next few days, look for more statistics and helpful tools published here to help you with approaching this subject. I'm here to help! 

#empower, #educate, #equip, #safehearts, #damselindefense, #stopchildabuse #endhumantrafficking, #savethechildren, #children, #seesomethingsaysomething, #protectourchildren, #bullying, #childprotection, #safeguarding



  1. Would my local library carry these books?

    1. If they purchased them or a PRO donated them, then yes, they would. :)
